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Office Policies

Our policies have been put in place to protect both the privacy and safety of the patient and the integrity of our office. If you have any questions of concerns regarding these policies listed below please call our office today.

Follow these Links to Print our :
New Patient Information 

Medical Records Release




Payment in full for servies rendered is expected at time of service. Our office would like to continue to provide the upmost attention to each patients individual needs

Our office excepts Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards.

MMS is now taking checks along with Paypal.



Our office is more than happy to fill out any paperowrk that is medically necessary and dictated by our medical staff. Due to the high level of paperwork that our office is presented with we must become selective in what we can and cannot complete on behalf of the patient. This is to insure that our time is spent focusing on patients.

It is because of this desire to better serve our patients that we have instilled a policy of charging for any paperwork done on behalf of the patient that was not deemed necessary by our medical staff.

If you have questions concerning this policy please contact our office.



MMS encourages all parents and gaurdians to be present at all times with children under the age of 16.

MMS will send copies of medical records to an office of your choice without charge. If we release the records to a patient or are requested to mail records fees will be applied.

Our building and parking lot are both NON SMOKING. Thank you!


Mountaineer Medical Services, PLLC

2990 Hickory Blvd

Hudson, NC 28638



Phone: 828-386-1001


Fax: 828-358-1317


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* In accordance to HIPPA and State laws our office is not at liberty to administer medical advise outside of our office via phone, internet, or other electronic mean without diagnosis. Our office is also not at liberty to discuss any patient information without direct written and/or oral consent from aforementioned patient.
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